Posted by admin
Posted on June 05, 2018
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Watch Så jävla metal (2011) Full Movie and Get Access. Så jävla metal can be playing for free registering. Watch Så jävla metal with 720p Quality.
Så jävla metal (2011)
Release : 2011-11-30 Genre : Runtime : 109 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast :
Sweden is currently one of the world's largest producers of heavy metal. Super Stars like Europe and Yngwie Malmsteen have shown the way to the big stages, while bands like Candlemass and Bathory established entirely new genres. This is the story of the personalities that made the Swedish hard rock and metal scene to what it is today. A fascinating, moving and humorous story about how Sweden became a world nation in one of the strongest and most popular cultural phenomena ever, full of eyewitness accounts, anecdotes and, of course, a whole lot of metal!
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